Why not to print Unlimited Money? Why is it Impossible?
Why not print unlimited
Money can be defined as any object that is used
as a payment medium for goods and services.
With the progress of mankind, money has evolved
from pebbles to paper currency, from paper to plastic currency and from plastic
to digital currency and bitcoins.
Be it in whatever form, the main purpose has
remained the same as an exchange medium for goods and services and a value
If money makes the world go round, why not print
and distribute it to everyone? If the poor are poor, why not make ‘em rich by
printing and giving them money as they want? Such questions easily arise in
everyone’s mind.
Looking at the current economic scenario and the
situation of poverty worldwide a question that obviously comes to our mind is
that why does not the government print unlimited money and distribute
it among the poor and needy so that the disparity in income totally
Since money gives purchasing power to people,
they shall purchase goods and services which In return will bring demand led
growth in the economy.
By printing the requisite amount of money, the
poor shall no longer remain the poor and poverty will totally be eradicated from
the face of this world.
Rosier it may sound, but this is not the
Wants are unlimited but means to satisfy
them are relatively less or limited.
In our economics classes we were taught that
human wants are unlimited. Desires emerge in the minds of a human being and
culminate into want for a product. Now if we assume that government prints
unlimited money and brings it into circulation by distributing it to people, the
disposable income of people will increase and everyone would try to fulfill
there demand.
Now, although the spending power of people will
increase, the means to fulfill this demand will not, in any scenario, increase
beyond a particular threshold.
People will start demanding products and there
will be a manifold increase in total demand for all the products.
Let us suppose that a person who has a
hypothetical yearly disposable income of rs 10000.
If all of a sudden he gets Rs 100000 which is 10x
his disposable income, he will very likely pay off his debt and whatever surplus
remains with him , he will likely spend his money on social needs , luxuries and
self esteem as is propounded by Herzberg
When millions of people act similarly, this will
result in an infinite increase in demand for all the products. Productive
capacity remaining largely limited and a total cap on maximum probability of
increase in productive capacity, the resultant situation will be of total chaos
and a situation where individuals will struggle to acquire everything
Unlimited supply of money causes a
decrease in real worth of money through inflation
Monetary Supply in any economy has to go in
tandem with the economic activity and productivity in the economy. In an economy
that is growing at a normal rate with lower inflation, rate of increase in money
supply increases in proportion to the overall economic activity.
Now if there is an increase in total money supply
through unlimited printing of money,There will tremendous pressure on other
factors of production so that there will be inflation.Inflation is defined as
the ‘general increase in price over a period of time’.
In inflationary growth, what can be purchased
with a unit of currency decreases over a period of time ……Thus the unit looses
its purchasing power and this is what is called as the real value or real worth
of money…..
From the above graph it is quite visible that
there is a direct correlation between the rate of currency printing and
inflation. Thus it can be concluded that beyond a certain level , excessive
money supply leads to inflation. Central Banks control this by sucking out
excessive liquidity in the system through various monetary and non monetary
tools. Thus there is a difference between money and ‘Hot money’…….Hot money
leads to speculation
Inflation can and does lead to
In an economy predominantly dependent upon
investments and hot money there are wild swings in growth rate and monetary
cycles. In such a situation, Central banks print more money to offset a sudden
shortfall in such investments. These were the one of the reasons that led rise
to the Asian Financial crises.
Continuous inflation can lead to hyperinflation.
Very high inflation leads to loss of confidence in the domestic currency.
The Indian accounting standard 24 issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India defines a hyperinflationary
situation as follows:
Money loses purchasing power at such a
rate that comparison of amounts from transactions and other events that have
occurred at different times, evenwithin the same accounting period, is
In this age of technology where people are
becoming more pro active and react to the developments in the socio economic
scenario , prolonged inflation can lead to domestic turbulence and uprising.
Hyperinflationary conditions are more likely to occur in case of economies that
are suffering continuous warfare and domestic problems.
In hyperinflation money looses all its worth and
there is a capital flight from the home country and people are less willing to
hold assets in domestic currency,
This further adds to the domino effect
and furthers the effect of this to the other parts of economy and the resultant
situation is a total mess where central banks are forced to print money in
exotic denominations.
The case of Zimbabwe, Weimar republic and
other cases.
Zimbabwe is the first country in the recent
period to have underwent hyperinflation. Years of excessive money printing
without underlying economic growth have resulted into hyperinflation.
The situation has worsened so much that the
Zimbabwean government was forced to print hundred trillion dollar notes which
could still not buy a packet of bread or eggs in the period of 1970’s- till
A similar situation was encountered in Weimar
republic during the first world war when the german mark underwent a rapid
devaluation and lead to an inflation rate of over 1000 % in real terms.
Only 10 % or less of total worldwide
assets are cash denominated
Lastly, only 10 % of assets in the world are cash
denominated or held in cash. All other assets are mere virtual or intangible in
nature like government bonds and guarantees.
In an interesting situation , when cash
denominated assets reached a high threshold in Weimar germany and people refused
to purchase assets due to inflation and uncertainty , they hoarded cash as a
safety measure which resulted into a deep and scathing recession during the
early twentieth century.
Thus it can be concluded that printing money
cannot solve the root economic problem.
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